Jumat, 25 Mei 2012

Book About Indonesia

Simple book entitled Opera Van Indonesia (Out come a triumph of the Free) contains a collection of essays, notes and opinions of the author if the thought and observation. Some of the writing has been published in print media, such as Kompas, Sovereignty of the People, Daily Jogja, and so forth. News and online media, such as Okezone.com, Kompasiana.com, HarianJogja.com, and so forth. Through this simple book the author tries to portray Indonesia from various perspectives and problems that exist in it. Be it social, political, cultural and education and the humanities. 

In the book Opera Van Indonesia (Independent Out come a triumph), the author uses the tagline Speak Up: National-is-me! It is intended to rekindle the spirit of nationalism in the soul of the reader as well. This book is created at the instigation of a sense of concern in the hearts of the nation and the writer will state the condition of Indonesia today. Which this nation has been independent for so long, but still could not prevail. Problem after problem after another continues to test how strong the spirit of national unity of Indonesia. 

Purchasing Click HERE The author sincerely hope this book will provide positive benefits for the greater homeland, the nation of Indonesia. Especially to all people who have been willing to buy and take the time to read this simple book. In writing this book, to be honest there is not the slightest intention to offend, hurt, humiliate, provoke, or other bad intention. 

This simple book authors dedicate solely to foster a spirit of nationalism and patriotism in the soul of the beloved Indonesia. Through this book the author would like to invite readers and gentlemen, let together to learn to know and love Indonesia. Continue to participate actively and positively contribute to the publication of the heyday of the Nusantara we dream together. 

Throughout the royalties from the sale of this simple book will be donated to support the action of #CareForIndonesia is currently being initiated by the author. Such as: assistance to orphanages, aid to education in remote areas, social assistance for the poor, provision of textbooks and school supplies for underprivileged children, and so on. 

Later, when the funds have been raised will publish a report on its use. For more info please contact: admin@nulisbuku.com Thank YOU for your attention and participation. The government does not need to move forward. Let's prove you care about the real action! :)