Kamis, 24 Mei 2012

Beware of Fake Love !

Love is essentially pure, noble, and pure. True love has the nature to protect, cherish, respect, reconciliation, and so on. It's just that sometimes there is he in love, but instead keep the destructive energy. Is this true love? Then how destructive love that store the energy it? 

I gave examples of several cases around us. Look at those who can kill the beloved just jealous because the blind. See also those who like to curb the "freedom" lover with no apparent reason. Or the most heinous again, when someone spit words of love to meet the desires of lust. This is the betrayal of love. 

I think personally, love that store obviously destructive energy can not be said to be a true love. How could true love have the heart to hurt their loved ones. Which true love might make a loved one should feel pressured and not free. Where there is true love who could tarnish the sanctity and dignity of the nature of love itself. 

I think it is more accurately described as a false love, false love! Learn from shared experience, it's time that we are aware of the false name of love. Guys, if you want emank true love that brings the beauty of a million, you should beware of false love. Be careful in determining your choice of love. Do not just pursue novelty. 

Do not get stuck on a false love. Except, if you are just messing around with love. And be prepared to be mocked by it. Guys, now fake love began to bloom on the market. Love has its destructive side effects. Such as disappointment, hurt, depression, despair, and remorse. Beware! When you experience it, get back onto the right path. Be patient for love beautiful! :)